Equality in health

Equality in health research

#Closing the Gender Health Gap
In medical research, women have not been included equally for a long time because the complexity of their hormones led to considerable variance in results. Now, with advancements in AI, it is possible to conduct measurable research into gender-specific health and improve basic care for women. This is what we are working on.
Susanne Feldt
Product Strategie
Susanne Feldt, CPO
Produktstrategie, Healthcare-Data-Systems, User Research, Content
My Motivation
I founded Hermaid because I believe women deserve a healthcare system that truly sees them, hears them, and supports them. No one should have to endure excruciating wait times or navigate a system that feels indifferent to their needs. Hermaid is about empowering women with technology to take control of their health and well-being.
Work Experience
+14y experience in UX, specialist in digital health, health data
- Designed user-centred B2B and B2C products Consulting-, agency-, startup-, research context
- 4y Deloitte Garage, Analytics Institute, KI Park devolping ecosystem
- Mentor for product strategy in healthcare & in an AI incubator
Selected clients
- Honic: Health-Data-Brokerage platform
- Tilda = BCG Venture: FemTech mental health
- Bayer: Design phenotype + ontology  builder
- BIX/BI & ROX Health (Roche): MCI & ontology diagnostic app
Anne Feldt
Business Strategy
Anne Feldt, CEO
Business Strategy, Operations, Marketing, Sales, Funding
My Motivation
My goal is to empower women to take charge of their health independently and to receive the best possible care. Technology plays a crucial role in providing accessible and personalized support. With my knowledge and network, I am passionately committed to ensuring that women receive the support they truly deserve at every stage of life.
Work Experience
+14y experience working for SMEs, startups, enterprises and consulting6y in digital strategy consulting (Accenture) working for global Clients in the area of digital health, MedTech and Life Sciences Leading international teams & projects
Selected clients
- Zeiss MediTech: Market Access for healthcare
- Samsung: Global rollout of Marketing & ecommerce operations
- Vorwerk: digitalisation strategy
Rajesh Sharma
Rajesh Sharma, CTO
Tech-StrategieTech Strategy, Growth-Hacking, AI Infrastructure
My Motivation
Having developed medical research platforms and patient-centered apps in the fertility field, I've seen firsthand the power of real-world evidence to transform healthcare. I'm passionate about leveraging data collection to improve women's health and wellbeing, and I believe hermaid can make a significant impact in this space.
Work Experience
+15y experience in building digital products
- Solution Architect for B2B & B2C clients in various verticals
- +6y running an own agency, focusing on development services for international  clients
Selected clients
- mWater: 8y developing data visualisation tool for governments, NGOs, academics
- Bayer: Develop phenotype + ontology builder
- Bonzun: 3+ years building health tech product (e.g. IVF app, pregnancy tracking app), Sweden
Winner 2th Price
Digital Health Price 2024
Unsere Stipendien/ Nominierungen

We are creating an ecosystem around women's health

Our platform provides a point of contact for expert advice, information, resources, and support for hormonal complaints.

For employees and other people seeking help

Every woman experiences hormonal changes differently and must be treated individually. Specialists only have limited time for this, which is why we support those affected with the help of data and digitalization.

For experts

Our experts provide consistent and value-based care, thanks to our collaborative approach that ensures care is always up-to-date.

For companies

We support companies in enhancing the vitality of their employees, reducing absenteeism, boosting productivity, and strengthening company loyalty.

For insurance & life science clients

In collaboration with insurance and life science clients, we work on preventive research and prevention programs focused on mental health.

Our hermaid team

We are a small international team of digital health experts. We have offices in Berlin and Kathmandu, Nepal.
Qianru Yang (Louisa)
Websites (development + design) - Freelance

Qianru Yang (Louisa)

Websites (development + design) - Freelance

"I am passionate about helping women around the world develop a deeper connection with their bodies and live healthier, pain-free lives. Through my work, I am making a positive impact on their wellbeing.

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Giulio Napolitano
CDAO: Data and AI Lead

Giulio Napolitano

CDAO: Data and AI Lead

"I find it fascinating to harness the potential of AI. At hermaid, I'm developing a smart anamnesis that adapts to each woman's preferences, language, and understanding, guiding them to better understand their bodies."

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Esosa Edogun
Design System & Platform Usability - Freelance

Esosa Edogun

Design System & Platform Usability - Freelance

"As a UI designer, I love crafting user-friendly, complex platforms."

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Kim Parsons
UX Research & Design- Freelance

Kim Parsons

UX Research & Design- Freelance

"As a UX researcher, I study how users manage their health data. I design strategies for making informed decisions regarding our health."

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Qianqian Lin
Art Direction, Visual Identity - Freelance

Qianqian Lin

Art Direction, Visual Identity - Freelance

“I believe in the power of visual storytelling. At hermaid, I am dedicated to bringing concepts that can make a meaningful impact on women's health to life."

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John Norton
Medical Science Liaison

John Norton

Medical Science Liaison

I see that there are still major gaps in personalised support in the area of women's health. Hermaid has the potential to close these gaps, and that is precisely what motivates me. With my experience in clinical diagnostics and marketing, I can help develop effective and accessible solutions that empower women at every stage of life.

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Marleen ter Heide
Sales und Marketing

Marleen ter Heide

Sales und Marketing

"hermaid's commitment to women's health aligns perfectly with my passion for the FemTech longevity movement. I'm excited to join this dynamic team and contribute to empowering women, menopause effects all of us."

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Dr. Michaela Fischbach
Gynaecologist and obstetrician

Dr. Michaela Fischbach

Gynaecologist and obstetrician

"Your cycle is annoying until you give it a place in your life - Irina Langendörfer".

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Dr.med.univ. Nicole Weirich

Dr.med.univ. Nicole Weirich


"Considering the patient as a whole, especially in relation to menopause and andropause, is crucial to me. It means understanding the individual needs and challenges of each person and offering holistic solutions."

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Dr.med Natella Obenaus-Goloviants
Fachärztin für Gynäkologie

Dr.med Natella Obenaus-Goloviants

Fachärztin für Gynäkologie

"My great motivation for my work is to help women become familiar with their bodies and their needs in order to develop a confident sense of health awareness."

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Claudia Sievers
Specialist in gynaecology

Claudia Sievers

Specialist in gynaecology

"Every woman is unique - so you need a health strategy that is personalized to your needs.

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Nicola Maria Hochkeppel
Women's Health, Sex & Menopause Counseling

Nicola Maria Hochkeppel

Women's Health, Sex & Menopause Counseling

"What if it turns out to be wonderful?!"

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Verena Löber
Nutritionist, Neuropath, Chemists

Verena Löber

Nutritionist, Neuropath, Chemists

‘Healing is feminine’ and happens when a woman's nature is seen and treated in its entirety.

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Daniela Meckies
Neuropath, Personal Trainer

Daniela Meckies

Neuropath, Personal Trainer

"‘Instead of feeling weak and tired due to the change, you'll be full of power and in the best physical shape of your life."

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Unser Expertinnen

Unser Wechseljahresexpertinnen sind da, um deine indivuellen Fragen zu beantworten. Vereinbare eine 30-minütige Beratung. Die Preise findest du hier. Du kannst uns auch deinem Arbeitgeber vorschlagen, hermaid unterstützt die Abrechnung als "Arbeitnehmer-Benefits".
Zum App-Login
Dr. Michèle Lange
Gynecological Concerns
Gynäkologische Themen
Mental Health
Mentale Gesundheit
Pelvic floor + bladder
Personal Trainer
"Mein Ziel als Ärztin ist es, Krankheiten vorbeugen, um sie gar nicht erst therapieren zu müssen. Krankheiten müssen an der Wurzel ihrer Entstehung angepackt werden."
Dr.med.univ. Nicole Weirich
Pelvic floor + bladder
"Considering the patient as a whole, especially in relation to menopause and andropause, is crucial to me. It means understanding the individual needs and challenges of each person and offering holistic solutions."
Claudia Sievers
Specialist in gynaecology
Gynecological Concerns
"Every woman is unique - so you need a health strategy that is personalized to your needs.
Dr. Michaela Fischbach
Gynaecologist and obstetrician
Gynecological Concerns
"Your cycle is annoying until you give it a place in your life - Irina Langendörfer".
Dr.med Natella Obenaus-Goloviants
Fachärztin für Gynäkologie
Gynecological Concerns
"My great motivation for my work is to help women become familiar with their bodies and their needs in order to develop a confident sense of health awareness."
Nicola Maria Hochkeppel
Women's Health, Sex & Menopause Counseling
"What if it turns out to be wonderful?!"
Verena Löber
Nutritionist, Neuropath, Chemists
Mental Health
‘Healing is feminine’ and happens when a woman's nature is seen and treated in its entirety.
Daniela Meckies
Neuropath, Personal Trainer
Pelvic floor + bladder
"‘Instead of feeling weak and tired due to the change, you'll be full of power and in the best physical shape of your life."
founders' photo

Personalisierte Lösungen durch Selbstbeobachtung und KI

Hormonschwankungen sind sehr komplex und hängen von vielen körperlichen und seelischen Faktoren ab. Die Suche nach Lösungen stellt Hausärztinnen und Hausärzte vor Herausforderungen. Deshalb setzen wir bei hermaid auf Selbstbeobachtung. Wir ermutigen unsere Nutzerinnen, durch "Experimente" ein besseres Verständnis für den eigenen Körper zu entwickeln. Unsere KI lernt aus den Vorlieben und über unsere Teleklinik kann bei Bedarf menschliche Expertise hinzugezogen werden. Auch wenn es keine Patentlösung gibt, so gibt es doch viele Möglichkeiten, die Symptome zu lindern. Manche brauchen eine Ernährungsumstellung, andere eine Feinabstimmung der Hormonersatztherapie. Wir stehen allen Betroffenen, Arbeitgebern und Ärzten unterstützend zur Seite.
Susanne Feldt (CPO), Anne Feldt (CEO)
& Rajesh Sharma (CTO)

Our Motivation

hermaid, an innovative company specializing in women's health and empowerment, was founded in 2023 by sisters Anne and Susanne to fill a gap in healthcare services for women in German-speaking countries. In 2024, Rajesh joined as the third co-founder to build and drive technological innovation.

Our focus is on gender-sensitive medicine and providing comprehensive support to people through different life stages. We are starting with a focus on menopause in women, as there are significant gaps in care and the topic is heavily stigmatized. The idea to develop our platform as a “Corporate Benefits” offering came from the realization that menopause has a significant impact on the careers of many middle-aged women. We are committed to addressing issues of work-life balance and equality.

Our platform provides evidence-based information, confidential online consultations with female doctors, courses, and a private chat service to offer women individualized and holistic support.


Support the health of your employees
[email protected]