For Corporates

Enable your female employees to get the health support they need

By addressing the full spectrum of women's hormonal health needs, we help companies create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.
For Corporates

Enable your female employees to get the health support they need

By addressing the full spectrum of women's hormonal health needs, we help companies create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.
Book Appointment (Demo)
Personalized female health
We support your female workforce with holistic, personalised recommendations
Online Consultation
Easy access to medical experts via our digital platfrom
... group and self-learning formats thanks to digital processes
Data protection
Ensuring the privacy of your employees
Unsere Stipendien/ Nominierungen

Women's health in the workplace, digital and easily accessible

Many companies are committed to the mental health of their employees in order to prevent absenteeism and burnout. Yet, the critical role of hormonal balance, particularly for women, is often overlooked. We offer targeted support and information to empower your female employees holistically.

Coming Soon...

Why menopause has an effect on the shortage of skilled workers:
In October 2023, the first German study was published , which shows the underlying effects of menopausal symptoms on the work place environment.
Book Demo Appointment

Destigmatize menopause


These women suffer from complaints that require medical treatment

Menopause is a social taboo. Even a few women know that hormonal fluctuations can occur from the age of 40. Statistically speaking, 9 million women in Germany are in menopause.

The most common symptoms affect performance


Concentration difficulties


sleep disorder


depressive moods

Employers pay for health failure


Estimated economic damage in the USA


They claimed to have reduced their working hours as a result of their complaints.


On average, it takes time for those affected to find medical help.

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

We calculate the ROI for your company

Our calculation takes multiple factors into account, and helps you to understand the potential of investing in female health!
To ROI Calculator
Global Economic Loss

t is estimated that global productivity losses due to menopause reach up to ...


Billion EUR

Estimated Productivity Gains

While quantifying exact productivity gains can be complex, estimates suggest that organizations could


pro Unternehmen

Estimated Savings
Ø 4.000 €

per employee annually could be saved by reducing absenteeism and turnover related to menopause issues.

Overall Retention Improvement
10 - 15%

Companies that actively support their menopausal employees can expect a notable increase in retention, potentially reducing turnover by up to

Zum ROI Rechner
Hormonellen Beschwerden haben körperlichen und psychsichen Auswirkungen. Bei diesen Themen leiden Hilfesuchende durchschnittlich 3+ Jahre bis sie den passenden medizischen Rat finden. Dies hat einen Einfluss auf jeden Teil des Lebens, auch auf die Arbeit.  Das ändern wir, gemeinsam:

We create added value for employers and their employees

...because your employees are your most valuable resource

Für Partners

Empowering women
Icon: Vielfalt in Alter und Geschlecht

Für Partners

Diversity in age and gender

Für Partners

Reducing absenteeism
Icon: Employer Branding

Für Partners

Employer Branding
Icon: Gesundheits-kompetenz

Für Mitarbeitende

Health literacy
"Make Informed decisions"
Health literacy
"Make Informed decisions"
Icon: Community

Für Mitarbeitende

"Find women like you"

Für Mitarbeitende

Holistic Health &
Icon: Selbstwirksamkeit

Für Mitarbeitende

"Healthy Habits"

Our users say ...

Satisfied customers are at the core of our daily operations. Our aim is to empower women in with their health and performance, thereby creating added value for all.
"Menopause is a significant topic for us as a company, especially with nearly 80% of our workforce being women, many of whom are over 40. Through informational offerings, we are paving the way out of the taboo."
Ursula Götzler
Employee Health Department
"hermaid ist der ideale Partner, um das Bewusstsein für ein so sensibles Thema wie die Wechseljahre zu erhöhen. Wir haben unseren Mitarbeiterinnen das Konzept des zyklusbasierten Arbeitens nahegebracht. Wie die wechselnden Jahreszeiten zeigt sich
auch unsere einzigartige Stärke
im monatlichen Auf und Ab."
Vlore Krug
Head of Organizational Development Vlore Krug
"What surprised me most is how little women know about their bodies. hermaid helps and educates. We simply inform our employees about the service. The app then gives them an overview of what they can do for themselves outside of work".
Astrid Siegl
Director Human Resources DACH
"We received an incredibly high number of registrations for our workshop with hermaid, which shows the importance of the topic, especially from the employers' perspective."
Anastasiya Matchanka
Program & Partner Management Employers for Equality GmbH
"After two years of googling my symptoms, I finally found help here. I am now taking bioidentical hormones and eating a cycle-based diet. I am grateful to my company for bringing hermaid to my attention. Unfortunately, my doctor never told me anything about perimenopause."
54 years old
"Perimenopause is a phase of life with so many ups and downs. You just have to try a lot of things that work for you in whatever circumstances. The body is constantly changing and I'm glad to be able to talk to other women and experts about what's going on. That's why I support hermaid as a test user.
53 years
"I would say that quick access to treatment was the turning point for me, I was given advice on how to manage this new phase of my life in a completely different, self-determined way.
47 years

Essential Resources for Your Organization

Guidelines and articles with practical tips and best practices for companies and organizations,

Mach eine Pause und tauche tiefer in die Wechseljahre ein


Support the health of your employees
[email protected]