A gender-specific approach for corporate gealth offerings

A gender-specific approach for corporate gealth offerings

The end of the "One-Size-Fits-All" Approach!

In today's workplace, gender-specific needs regarding mental health are becoming increasingly important.

Hormones and their Impact on the Psyche

Traditional strategies often fall short and fail to consider the impact of hormones on mental well-being.

  • PMS and Menopause: 30% of all women experience premenstrual symptoms such as irritability and mood swings. Menopause also brings challenges, including depressive moods and anxiety.
  • Many mental health offerings focus exclusively on talk therapy and neglect the physical aspects of mental health.

Men and Mental Health

Men's mental health is often neglected as well. Societal expectations and stigma make it difficult for men to talk about their problems and seek help. The consequences can be chronic stress, depression, or addiction.

  • Studies show that male patients in psychotherapy feel more comfortable with male therapists.
  • The experience of sexual assault is also a topic that is often taboo for men.

Mental Health and Gender Diversity

In addition to the differences between men and women, it is important to consider the needs of people with diverse gender identities, such as transgender or non-binary individuals. These groups often require specialized support and resources.

Recognizing Gender-Specific Differences

Companies can create a truly inclusive and supportive work environment by providing gender-specific offerings. Raising awareness and adapting resources are important steps in ensuring that every employee has the opportunity to thrive.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Women use preventive services more often than men. Companies should therefore specifically target men to raise awareness of the importance of prevention and early intervention.


The time for one-size-fits-all solutions for mental health is over. With a gender-specific approach, companies can address the individual needs of their employees and thus create a supportive and inclusive workplace.

Our digital course "Menopause Basic" provides you with tools and techniques to deal with your symptoms and communicate them appropriately. Visit our app or learn more:  app.hermaid.me
hermaid is offered as an employee benefit program to support women going through menopause:

Improved employee well-being: hermaid provides information, advice, and support on all aspects of menopause, which promotes the physical and mental well-being of employees.
Increased motivation and productivity: When women can better manage their menopausal symptoms, their concentration and performance increase.
Reduced absenteeism: hermaid helps reduce health-related absenteeism by providing women with early support and helping them better manage their symptoms.
Strengthened employer branding: A company that promotes the health and well-being of its female employees is more attractive to potential applicants.
Improved corporate culture: hermaid helps create an open and inclusive corporate culture where menopause can be discussed and women can receive the support they need.

Author: Tsion Basazinew

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